Our Blog: Exit Stage Right

Where Business Transformations Begin.

Seven Strategies to Avoid a Crash When Your Plan Hits a Roundabout

I don’t know about you, but last week sucked.  I mean sucked.

A close set of friends lost a loved one. Every time I turned on the news, my head exploded for more reasons than are appropriate to discuss here.  And my car was more...

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The Three Rs to Better Delegation

It’s vacation season, and not a moment too soon for most of us.  It’s been a while since we felt free enough to hop on planes and go away for longer than a long weekend or a day or two.

Interestingly enough, vacations are good for...

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Five Reasons to Adopt a PE State of Mind

This past week, I came across the infamous clip in the movie “Wall Street” where Michael Douglas’ character, Gordon Gekko, makes his “Greed is Good” speech.  It’s one of those scenes that makes your skin...

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When a Bright Shiny Light Takes You into the Deep, Dark Ditch

The hallmark of an entrepreneur is their “Can Do!” and “Let’s Go!” attitude.  They have an energy and sense of possibility that drives them and can be infectious.  A new idea or concept comes into play and,...

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When Power, Courage and Addiction Collide - How Brave Are you?

Are you one of “us” or are you one of “them?”  What’s the real deal here?  Can I trust you?

These questions come up every day as we go about our lives and work.  At work, the dynamics of relationships...

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Succession Food Fights: How to Have Your Cake & Eat It Too

Today is International Family Business Day!
I love that we get to celebrate family businesses today. They are the fabric and essence of our communities and our economies. We should all share a piece of cake to celebrate all they share...
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When Cheeseheads Fumble

When you think about all the uproar in Packerland over the last few weeks, don’t you wonder where the grownups were?  I do. 

Political perspectives and attitudes around COVID vaccination notwithstanding, the downfall of Aaron...

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Lessons Learned from a Trip in New York


The clouds parted and I actually got on a plane in October for the first time since February 2020.  Off to New York City, I was excited and nervous for a trip that was mostly business and a smidge family on the back end.  The...

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Are You With Me or For You? What's Seriously Broken in Many Employers' Mindsets

A few weeks ago, I did a post on Linked In, sharing an article about The Great Resignation.  The post was prompted by the fact that I had just returned from a workout where I was told that yet another of my favorite coaches had resigned their...

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Resisting the Rush: Why the New House Tax Plan Should Not Drive Your Decision to Sell Your Company

The draft legislation released by the House on September 13 is stirring up a perfect storm  -- creating a scramble for those thinking about selling their companies and how to minimize the taxes on the transaction.  With the proposition...

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