Our Blog: Exit Stage Right

Where Business Transformations Begin.

Business in the United States: Are We Coming or Are We Going?

Did 2020 leave you wondering whether you were coming or going? If so, you aren’t alone.

We had two to three months, where life was good, free, healthy, and even optimistic for many of us. And then the pandemic arrived. Air came out...

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You Can, But You May Not

Just the other day, I was thinking about my 5th grade math teacher, Mr. Mercer. He was a wonderful teacher, firm with us precocious tweeners yet with a great, sly sense of humor. One of his favorite comebacks to “Mr. Mercer, can I go to the...

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When Your First Option May Not Be Your Best

2020 has renewed business owners’ thinking about company ownership.  For some owners, 2020 is merely another bump in the road that they will roll over while holding the steering wheel tightly.  For others, it’s been a...

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How to Free the Elephants & Dreaded Annual Planning Process

It’s the time of year when many companies head into their planning and budgeting season.  There is always a tension that accompanies this process.  There is the tension between the known and unknown, scarcity and abundance, short...

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Three Thoughtful Steps to Combat Workplace Stress

How would you rate your ability to deal with stress these days?  Chances are, if you’re like me, you are feeling it.  Work lives up to its name (“work”). The juggle with family may have morphed into a third job of...

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